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Monday, July 11, 2011

True Lies !!!

True Lies !!!
What do you think is a lie?
A lie is a sort of trickery in the form of a deceitful statement, especially with an intention to deceive others. This definition of lie is just a Wiki statement and not always true. This very statement is a lie every now and then.
            Right from the day you were crying in the arms of your mother and your mother said a lie to stop your cry, to the day you will be crying on those final moments of your life and your dear ones say another lie to wipe your tears off, despite the fact that it’s time for you to leave... In between these two cries, there is a life of lies or simply, a lie called life. In this lie, sorry 'Life', you begin learning alphabets, words and paragraphs just to end up writing them in the book of our life. Till that day where you will be scripting the very last page in that book, you get to hear many sweet things which are not essentially true. But you never had judged the truth in them for a simple reason that they are sweet to listen and you are happy believing in them.
Talking precisely, maybe we are comfortable in telling a few lies to make someone happy. Yeah! Such lies are an integral part of our daily life. It’s hard to shun them and be true to each and everyone you get to face about each and everything you tell them. Reason can be anything but this has to be accepted. And this lie most of the times doesn't matter a great deal, as we certainly could have measured the consequence of speaking, such a lie. Sometimes it can go anyway beyond our measure. The former is better and I wish it stays there. There is a philosophical statement assisting this. “A truth that can pull a person down can always substitute a lie that can make him glad given a provision that the lie doesn't prove costly”, this is an established and proved statement on any day.
Yes! Despite the fact that they are lies, we appreciate them. A step further, we call them sweet lies. We already know that lies are harsh, Can they also be sweet? Don’t wonder!  Of course at times, they can be. Think of those friendly promises we made and what is the status of them now? Dint we Lie? Yes we did but that was to light a smile on an already handsome face to make it more gorgeous. Many such lies that made our life easy and smooth at home, school/college and work are definitely sweet. All that matters is you have learnt to face them and finally realized that they were just lies. Try to imagine, life without these lies… It’s tough right? Because the big times we lived are the times we lived on those big lies.
Till now it was the act of accomplishing masters in the art of lying between two persons to make a moment cheerful or to brighten a conversation. But don't ever try to do it with yourself. If you are trying to lie to yourself to make yourself happy for the time being then you are making a fool out of yourself. Even before that it’s not easy to fool your’ self because at any point of time you are the most freely and openly expressed to yourself. Your’ self is the judge in your court and he’s the one whom you can never lie to. And your’ self is the lone protagonist in the book discussed earlier. And that book of life, real or virtual, has everything carved in it.
As Mark twain said, “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” Not even the closest of your friends know all the secrets of you. It’s actually this way, “there are a few things with you that you don’t share even with the closest of your friends.” But you have those things imprinted in your book. If that’s true, this ‘book of Life’ can be called your best friend because nobody knows so many things about you, as this book does.
            It’s up to your good if you are true to your family at home, friends at school/college, boss at work etc. But it’s your minimal responsibility to be true to your own self and submit everything you do before your own self. A proper understanding between you and your’ self makes you a complete peaceful human. With such an inner peace you can always go with your conscience irrespective of what others might think of it. Yeah I accept the fact that it’s awful if what you do doesn’t make any sense to others. But it is still good enough; it is of some sense to you. The nastiest part of it is when it doesn’t mean any brains to you even. Even when the whole world is standing against, you can stand for your’ self only when you believe in yourself. And such belief is an outcome of being true to your’ self. If that is accepted… then in an old definition of friend which says, “A friend is one who stands for you even when the whole world turns against you”, you can be the best friend of your’ self in that way. Consequently a novel statement can be made as, “the awesome twosome you can ever witness in this world are none other than you and your’ selfJJJ.
            As in the early writings, even in this one, I want to conclude here, saying something unsaid about your’ self.
Any thief can at most take everything from you but your’ self… but your’ self can just take you, beyond which anything in this world becomes nothing.”
Signing off: Srikanth ThorthiJ

Am Wrong Yet Again!!!

Am Wrong Yet Again!!!

Those words still ring in my ears. It’s been a long time since I’m listening to these words, “work hard for today and tomorrow will be easier and simpler…” These words came strong at me, first in my tenth standard, where all my teachers and even my parents use to say get through the tenth standard with good marks and you can get into a very good college for class XI and XII and everything there is going to be easy. Even I believed so and tried to do it. But the words remained the same even in my intermediate college. Then all of them repeated it, in a slightly different terminology. Work hard in your intermediate and you’ll get admitted into a reputed graduation college and then you can relax, as the college will take care of putting you into a job. Yes, I trusted them once again. Not to compare to anyone but I worked hard as much as I can, at times in my intermediate and got into one of the good colleges for my graduation. Thereafter, the dialogue has again been changed as my education standard did. Then it stated, “Work hard in you engineering then you will get placed into a good company which will pay you in good amounts, then you can enjoy the life of spending money at your will.” But I didn’t trust these lines as much as I did in my schooling and my intermediate. But I tried to work hard at times but only when it was most required.
Yeah! With those things, I have learnt all through my academic career, I fetched a job in one of the reputed companies. Then again the words changed but the sense remained the same. It says, “Work hard for the growth of your firm and in turn your own growth, then you can enjoy life, dictating terms to others.” This time, I totally ruled the statement out. I realized from my experience that I have to work hard on any day that’s called today. The concept of working hard and facing challenges comes with every today, we wake in. So, I generalized the statement for myself as,
“We have to work hard on every today for a better tomorrow. But do remember that tomorrow never comes and today alone is eternal.”
With a belief in this statement, I came into this company thinking that I have to work hard on each today. But I was proved wrong yet again. I’m absolutely freed right now and also in a position to be able to pen down all the crazy stuff like this, on a paper and in a blog;-).
-Srikanth Thorthi...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Days at God's Own Country

A letter to the future

Those were my final days at Trivandrum. Though I’m happy to leave for my home, it’s really a hard feeling to leave that place. That’s the bond; I personally had with that place. It was great to be a part of that place at least for a span of two and half months. My love for that place, started from the fact that, people there, live a life that’s very close to the nature, for what it’s called the God’s own country. But I know that I had to leave that place and go on. I thought, “I can’t definitely get these days back but I can surely preserve these memories for a long time by writing a letter to my future about my just past present.” This is the inception of the thought called ‘Letter to the Future’. Here goes, my letter to the future about some beautiful times, I want to cherish, a life time...

Subject: My Days at the God’s own country

If I have to start this as a letter to my future, according to high school conventions, then I have to start it as, 16th November, 2010, Trivandrum.
            Yes! I meant to say that I was in Trivandrum for this mentioned time. I’m very glad to say that Trivandrum has come my way in the journey of my life. And I’m very thankful to TCS for taking me to Trivandrum as part of my job training and being responsible for this letter indirectly.
The name of this place first came to me on 2nd September 2010, when I got my call letter to join the training at Trivandrum on the 20th of the same month. Till then, for quite some period, each day was going aimless, almost without any great challenges. It was from that time my busy times took over. At this point I was not completely ready for a new place, leaving my parents. But then I dint even have a good time to be sad about that. I was totally busy for the next twelve days, in getting ready for this place, which is inviting me into a totally alien phase of my life. And then, I met the day where I was leaving my home, though my train to Trivandrum was scheduled two days later, i.e., on 17th September. I still remember that day where I was taking the pictures of every nook and corner of our home. I was about to break out into tears at every moment when I realize that I can’t be back to my home at least for the next three months. But then I dint break out just to confirm my parents that I’m strong enough to go a place that far, alone. Finally, I left my home. Even then I dint want to cry as I was also trying to act strong before myself. I reached Hyderabad, a place that has taught me most of the lessons in my life. I had to meet my friends the following day in a small send-off party. Even there I made up my mind that nothing should go poignant and I believe nothing did. That was one good day I wish not to forget. I turned home, bagging happy moments for that day.
Finally, the day has come for me to leave for Trivandrum, the capital city of what people call the god’s own country. I went to the railway station along with my parents and friends. Even then, my struggle against tears continued. But as the train arrived onto the platform, my tears overtook me and hurried out of my eyes, beyond my control. From behind the tears, my eyes could see the murky and blurred world. I still remember those faces of my family and friends. Those moments still flash through my mind when I am idle. The train finally started to follow the tracks that led it to the landscape called Trivandrum. The journey was exciting all the way with some friendly passengers in the compartment and the friendliest nature, which accompanied us all through the journey. Cloud-kissing mountains, Valleys separating them, Water bodies flowing beneath the tracks, Greenery that can even change a cruel heart, soft.
Fever accompanied the feeling of homesick in me. Then I was a bit down with a fear that how am I going to sustain there for the following three months.
We went to the hotel arranged by the company and I had to rest for the next day i.e., Sunday, 19th September. On Monday, we have to report at the office at Peepul Park, Techno Park and Trivandrum.
My first days at office
On the first day, we were completely engaged with the joining formalities and it was a busy two days before our actual training kicked off. The training went on with no excitement for first three days. Then came a Saturday, the first ever weekend in Trivandrum for us. We thought of going to the famous Kovalam Beach in Trivandrum.
Kovalam Beach
This is my first encounter with the nature in Trivandrum. At that very first sight, I fell in love with the sea. “One of the most beautiful beaches I have ever been to…” was my status on facebook that evening. The mighty waters seemed to invite me into them. Delighted by the view of the nature, I wrote a poetic description of the sea then. It’s like imagining your love on the other side of the waters and he/she is trying to send her regards through the tides that reaching us. Those tides rolling back into the sea, indicates the invitation from the other end, so that the tides can take you there. Then, I couldn’t help but put pen to paper and I treasured it. We had fun for quite sometime embracing the beauty of the ecstatic sea.
Then, I left from there with a wish to get back, at least once before leaving Trivandrum. Tired gang of friends returned to their place. To wrap it up in a line, it was truly one of the most gorgeous and tidy beaches I had been to.
The following weekends, I was busy visiting various places known for their tourist attraction. Travelling was the most thrilling part of my life at Trivandrum. I have been to the following places during my stay at Trivandrum, before the completion of my training program.
Ponmudi Hill station
            My first ever visit to a hill station and it says wow!!! This very place seemed to invite us, as we were approaching it. It starts from the place where we have to drive through the Ghats, around the hill in order to reach the peak. We had to cross several water streams flowing down the hill. The best part of the drive way was the drive through the way amidst the clouds where we could hardly see what’s coming our way.
When we reached there, we went around the place taking photographs in various animated postures. For an instance this place gives the feeling of standing on the ‘edge of the world’. We know that the rainfall starts from the clouds but it’s a rare sight to have seen the rain standing above or in between the clouds. Sometimes you can’t even witness the person standing just next to you.
The mists around made us think, “What more a heaven could comprise of?” The hills replied to our scream in an echo. Cameras had a hard day staring at all our friends in dramatic postures ;-)… Then we all had our lunch together before heading to a place known for its waterfall.
Meenmutti waterfalls
On our way back, we have stopped at this place as our driver told us that there is a beautiful waterfall. We really didn’t have any idea of this place except that we are going to see a waterfall. We left our luggage in the bus and we have started following a few others towards the waterfall. Showers followed us very soon as we trekked through the forest area, densely populated with plants and trees. At this point, each of us was carrying a mobile phone but not a bag. Showers grew into rain but the crew seemed undeterred and went on, climbing the steep hills, slipping on the slopes and creeping through the spaces between the trees. On our way we realized that the rain is getting heavier and thought that pockets are no safer places for our mobiles. Under a roof, we have gathered all the mobiles in a bag, one of my friends, accidentally brought. Then we carried on with what we called trekking. We hardly knew the distance we had to travel in order to have a view of the waterfall, but we went on moving as far as we found the path, worn out due to the usage of the passersby. After a while, we began to feel the distance and nowhere in the sight could we witness the waterfall. But the expedition had no intent of looking back.
Finally after walking for an hour or so, we witnessed gushing water hurrying down the rocks from the hill top. The fruit of witnessing the waterfall was not the sweetest because that was not a great fall. Moreover, it’s a short one. However sometimes, the path we have taken is worth remembering, than the result. Yes, this holds true there.
Though it was not the greatest of the sights we have had, but the journey on foot was worth such a voyage. A few of us were injured due to slippery rocks. After having spent some time there, we did realize that the dawn is breaking and we have a long way to go. We hurried back on our way to the place where our vehicle was parked. Then we were heading back to Trivandrum after a tiring day. I told already that it’s a memorable day for most of us but it was also an unforgettable day for a few of my friends including me. We were in vain to see our mobiles in the drenching bag. At least five of the mobiles fell sick due to heavy rain and sadly they never had recovered. My first mobile handset which I used for near three years was ill. True! It’s an old handset but I felt a bit sentimental about losing my first one. Thus A great day for many, also a bad day for a few, ended and we were soon back to our routine.
        After a week or two, we had been to a place well known to have witnessed the most stunning view of the sunrise. Sun, wishing the world, emerging from behind the sea, seems as though the sun-god himself is riding on the waves. It is truly an eye feast. Right from my childhood, I have been listening from various sources about the beauty of the sunrise at kanyakumari and now it’s my turn to tell another few listeners.
For us, this day started as early as 1am in the morning because we had to reach kanyakumari even before the sunrise. We reached there just in time and hurried to the sea. We were all set for the feast and waiting all eyes, staring at the orange skies.
Then the sun rose slowly, peeping at us, illuminating the sea, hovering on the waves, making us scream. At this point, we were utterly lost in the beauty of the nature. Then I felt the deficiency of having a third eye. Cameras went flashing at the sun, past the sea. As the sun rose from the sea, the tides also seemed to grow and reach out for the sun. The splendor of the already splendid sea just seemed double at that instance. Wow! Nature has something that cannot be explained in books or expressed in words. That must have been the same sunrise which gave life to numerous painters, poets and of course nature-lovers. Once the sun completely rose, we were busy working on the cams and played on the shore for a while.
Then we had our breakfast on the shore itself and went on to stand in a queue to get tickets to go to a very special place I had ever been to.
Vivekananda Rock Memorial
          A ten minute steamer ride from the shore is this place. It was built in honour of the visit of Swami Vivekananda for a deep meditation. It is said that he attained enlightenment on the rock, and henceforth became a reformer and philosopher. Personally, I myself admire Swami Vivekananda as a philosopher.
After taking the tickets, we had to walk in a long queue through multiple compartments in order to get our turn to get into the steamer. Finally we got in, the steamer started and we left the shore. Unknowingly, I could sense some aura in the atmosphere as we were approaching the rock memorial. The divinity of the place emanated all around. I felt that could be the perfect place for a man to meditate and enlighten himself. It was the second island next to the Buddha Statue in Hussain Sagar, I had been to and the best one by ages. Standing there looking at the blue waters on all the sides, is the sight of my life, I must say.
Our contribution to the art of photography continued even there. The full length statue of swami Vivekananda inside the ‘Dhyana Mandapam’ was just, full of life. Besides the Rock Memorial there is something great to be told about, it is the 133 feet giant monument of Thiruvalluvar. It stands on a massive rock in the sea. To be true, I had been to, a number of shrines by now but no shrine made me feel so sacred about it.

Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Trivandrum
This temple is the seat of lord Vishnu and is located in the fort of Thiruvananthapuram. Padmanabhaswamy is said to be an avatar of Hindu-lord Vishnu. The deity is in Ananthasayanam posture (eternal sleep of yogindra). For this reason the he is also worshipped in the name of Anantha Padmanabhaswamy.
Personally, I dint have a good look at the statue of the deity due to the reason that there was hardly any light inside the garbhagriha. But it is said that the reclining position of the lord on the serpent ‘Anantha’ or ‘Adi Sesha’, is visible through three doors. Face of the Lord and Siva Linga underneath his hand in the first door, Brahma seated on lotus emanating from the Lord's navel along with idols of Lord MahaVishnu, Sreedevi and Bhoodevi in the second door and the Lord's feet in the third door.
The architecture is a typical south Indian temple architecture with giant pillars spread over a large area across the temple courtyard. This is among the 108 holiest shrines of lord Vishnu. And in all of them the idols of the Lord are only in one of the three varied postures. Reclining, sitting, or standing. A unique feature of the temple is that it has idols in all these three postures.
The kings of this city have devoted themselves to the deity as Padmanabha Dasa meaning “servants of the lord” and from then on Sri Padmanabha is still regarded as regional deity of Travancore.
On a three day vacation, we had been to Kodaikanal and Munnar.  Firstly, we went to this place well-known as ‘Princess of Hill Stations’.
Its name in Tamil means ‘the gift of the forest’. It is a charming hill station, stands amidst sylvan beauty on the southern crest of the upper Palani Hills in Tamil Nadu.
With its fog filled roads, lush green trees, hard rocks, dense woods, lovely lake, bracing air and of course the warm cottages, Kodaikanal is an ideal hill resort for the tourists. The night we played cards in the cottage, the pillar rock view at the suicide point and the panoramic view of the scenic valleys that were floating on the clouds, at the Coakers Walk were the highlights of this place. Initially, we dint had any plan to see this place called Coakers Walk. But accidentally, some of my friends missed the bus. In the course of waiting for them, we went around the Coakers Walk and overjoyed at the sight of the valleys from there. Thanks to those friends who missed the bus then ;-)…
The next destination was Munnar, a popular hill station in Kerala, located in the Western Ghats. It ranges from Unending expanse of tea plantations, to the pristine valleys and mountains, to the exotic species of flora and fauna in its wild sanctuaries and to the aroma of scented cool air.
Driving through the roads, accompanied with the continuous carpet of lush green tea-gardens, spread over a huge area was the exciting part in Munnar. During the night stay at our cottage, all of us had got a campfire arranged and it was a fabulous time. Next morning, we went to Echo point, where we took a ride on paddling boats. That was an amazing experience. Then, on our way back to Trivandrum, we stopped at Munnar waterfalls. The misty waterfall provides a fantastic view of the water, cascading down from scintillating heights. Truly, this is one of the tallest waterfalls, I had seen.
       This place is also known as Alappuzha, is a town in Alappuzha District of Kerala state of southern India. A town with picturesque canals, backwaters, beaches, and lagoons, was described as the one of the places known as ‘Venice of the East’ by Marco Polo.
House-boating is the highlight of this place. A near thirty of our friends have been to this place and went around in a house boat. We had a great time riding through the still backwaters of the sea.
As always, relishing at the sight of the nature along with the art of photography was the best part even here.
Regular Badminton Times
Besides planned outings on weekends, a small group of our friends had this fun in playing badminton. It was a great advantage for us being in the morning shift that we use to play badminton almost daily.
Personally, I did love badminton before, but never that much, till I came to Trivandrum. That court has seen us perspire, fall and of course learn the sport. Thanks to all my mates at the badminton court.
Truly, those were among the best moments of my time at this place.
‘Good Bye Kerala’ - from Kochi Airport
Finally, after a farewell evening on 7th December 2010, it’s time for us to pack our luggage and say good bye to Trivandrum early in the morning. The next afternoon, we have our flight scheduled from Kochi to ‘The City of Pearls’ - Hyderabad.
We took a bus to Kochi early in the morning of 8th December, 2010. It’s about a 5-6 hour ride from Trivandrum to Kochi and that was the last time that big bunch of friends travelled together and it was great fun travelling with all of them. Almost all of us were really excited for our first ride in a flight. In no time we reached Kochi airport. After a long waiting time in the airport, it’s time, we boarded into the flight.
A few announcements later, the flight took off. That was a wonderful experience. But that was also the time, we bid good bye to the god’s own country. I fell sick again in the mood of leaving Kerala, for me a land of handsome memories and worthwhile lessons.
I was sick of leaving Kerala at the same time, excited about going to my place. The excitement overtook the sickness in me. Soon hum bangaye Hyderbadi, who had just been from a vacation to the god’s own country.
I want to thank and dedicate this to each and everyone who can associate them with this letter, in at least a single instance.
Signing off: Srikanth Thorthi...
© All Rights Reserved @ Srikanth Thorthi...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Man - Not You

Hi friends!!!
If I ask you to list out a few things which you see daily, everyone might have a different list, but not definitely exclusive. If each of you is right and I’m not wrong, at least one thing would be common in almost all the lists, without which one couldn’t have recognized oneself. How pathetic is a situation where everyone else in this world can recognize you except for yourself. Anybody with at least an eye i.e., even the Cyclopes wouldn’t like it.
Now I’ll put an end to these obscure discussion… simply it’s the mirror am talking about.
“A mirror is an object with at least one reflective surface.” – Wikipedia
Any poet describes it as the most beautiful creation by man without which one couldn’t have been able to weigh the beauty of oneself. But I say, a mirror is the most outlandish, miraculous and mystifying invention ever made by man! Let’s see why???
What do you observe inside the mirror while standing infront of it? Let me put it in words for you.
You have a mirror in your room. It’s pretty clear that there is a room inside the mirror. It’s unarguably clear that the room inside the mirror is exactly the same as yours. This is what one has been observing till date. I have a doubt for you now. Have you ever checked or at least thought for a while whether the world outside the room, inside the mirror is same as the one which is outside your room???
Stop reading this anymore, if your answer for this question is yes! Yes, there is every possibility that the answer can be NO because none of us has checked it yesterday, none is doing it today and I also know that none is going to make it tomorrow even!
Yes, the world outside the room, inside the mirror is of course different from the world outside your room. And not even the person inside the mirror is you. Let me explain…
The way you enjoy going around your world, even the man inside the mirror has the same excitement in going about the world of his own eternities. The fact is that yet he’ll never let you know that he is different from you. Even though he has got the right-to-freedom in his world, unknowingly he’s just a robot controlled by you. No matter how far he is from your mirror in his world, he carries only a single sense in him i.e., he can exactly make out the point, when you are arriving before the mirror. And that itself pulls him back to his position on the other side of the mirror from any infinite distance in his world.
Remember this is not the case with just the mirror in your room. But it holds true anywhere one can breathe. Let me clear it.
When you are moving to a different place, your world has definitely taken some change from your place to that place. But this isn’t the case with the man inside the mirror. He has the grant to allocate only a single room of infinite area for you. When you move onto different place and face a mirror there, the man inside the mirror redecorates his area to be your place at that instance of time.
Let’s not go too far from the point where we have started, the mirror in your room and the room in your mirror. He is so damn specific about the point that his room is just an exact replica. He’s not only decorating a room as yours, but if you can observe some place outside your room, inside the mirror, even that’s decorated as your world. That’s the amount of keenness he works with, in order, not to let you know that he’s different from you.
And now, why does he do that? What’s his problem if you get to know that he’s different from you?
Believe me there is nothing a problem as such to him. The simple reason is that he is such a master of your mind that he also know that you have enough number of questions and problems in your life. And he is so worried about you that he doesn’t want to create one by letting you know that there is another world inside the mirror. Of course as we know, if so much is unread in our very own world and then one gets to know that there is a second world completely unseen, there could be the height of depression for anyone for the amount of knowledge one has about these worlds.
More than anything that has been said so far, I must say he is the greatest friend, fan and the partner of yours. He weeps along with you when you are sad. He smiles for you when are happy. Still he’s overlooked by each and everyone. But for him, no matter whatever happens in his life, his first and last choice is you, just you!!!
Let me quote an example. Have you ever been in a 1-minute cloud ninety-nine situation where your loved one is about to propose you for the first time and suddenly you feel your phone vibrating in your tight fit pocket. Even if your senses hint you that god is on the call to offer you the boon of your life, you neither would stop your love nor would you attend the call. Not just you, even I would be the same as everyone.
What about the man in the mirror?  Even if he’s the lead in the above situation, where his much-awaited love is on her knees, about to propose him, you just give him a sigh that you are arriving in front of your mirror. I bet, that pathetic guy would mind your sigh more than anything even at the cost of breaking his heart. I think there couldn’t be any other way for me to explain him better.
Now u can simply guess that I’m sitting right before my mirror while I’m writing this entire thing. Yes, you are right!
For so much of info the man in the mirror has definitely been my inspiration and in this course I learnt a lot about him. While I’m observing him now, sad fellow! Without knowing that I know the thing that he’s different from me, he’s pretending as though he is also writing something. I don’t know what he’s writing because he doesn’t know what I am writing. If he had known that I am writing about the secret purpose of his life, I believe he’s no more an actor before me ever after.
I can tell him straight away, “I already understood who you are. You needn’t act anymore.” But if I do that, who knows??? There might me a day where I may not find him on the other side of the mirror. Imagining such a situation itself is horrifying. With such a fear, am never going to tell him this thing and I’m sure that even he won’t tell me this thing.
Still I support that he’s my best companion for this adventurous journey, what I call ‘my life’.
I would like to conclude here and I will suggest you not to read this for even I don’t want to create new qualms in your cool and peaceful lives. And now, if you get to remember this entire story, when you are before the mirror, the next time, my intentions are met!!!
  •   This is all purely a work of fiction.
  •  All the characters in this column are imaginary.
  •  Any resemblance to any person inside or outside any mirror is purely coincidental.

© All Rights Reserved @ Srikanth Thorthi.

Youself - Believe it or Not


This is the ever-remaining quest to answer life's apparent simple questions...
Do you believe in life after death???
Irrespective of your answer, one has to accept that death is just a bodily loss. When we say that, we are pretty sure that there is something in us which is certainly not our physical being!!!
What do you think is making you move???
Is that fate???
Is there anyone who is in control of your life???
Is that god???
What do you see inside, when you are standing before a mirror???
Reflection of your body or your soul???
Have you seen your inner beauty today???
I myself have never checked what’s going on in my mind, once just realized that all my worries about money, health, family and what pages in my book of life could be torn away. I felt that I don’t even understand who I truly am. Most of us must be feeling the same. Yeah!!! That’s true. This can make a person feel desperate because if there is no hint of self-realization there is no grasp for the life itself.
"When you have preserved your right to be your'self', you are said to have personal freedom".
As if you suddenly realize that most of your thoughts and deeds are limited and not of your true nature. There is a definite bit of influence of the surrounding world. As if you are thinking and speaking from your ego all the time but don’t even comprehend where your'self' is hiding.
It’s not a shocker that different people have different beliefs. Some people think that they can direct their fate, Some believe that fate directs them, Some feel that they receive inner guidance from above and Some are sure that it's their own 'self' guiding them.
There lies the answer in a single word 'self' for most of such questions discussed earlier. Let me tell you something unsaid and interesting about your'self'.
"Self is nothing but you in front of this world, but self stands in front of you, when you are alone talking to you." -Srikanth
We have virtual conversations with gods & angels, superficial conversations with people, beautiful conversations with friends. Yet no conversation is as deep as the inner conversation that you engage in everyday.
You are the most freely expressed to your 'self’. There is no one else who knows so much about you as your 'self' does. The only way your self can communicate with this world is through you. The fact is that he is heard to none other than you alone. So, he takes every chance with this world.
"Inspiration comes from the moment fuelled by the intense desire for communication with the inner 'self' that is beyond questioning." - rick jelurich
You are a wise, beautiful and magnificent being composed of love and wisdom. In you, there are infinite possibilities, infinite expression and infinite compassion in a finite life. In you, there are infinite horizons to explore, infinite vistas of beauty to behold and describe and limitless expression of joy and exuberance for the dance of life.
If you can realize that infinite power you possess, the so called problems of the world would evaporate as showers of your own greatness.
Now I believe, though the supreme creator does the creating as well but just can't see god and us as being something different. I think if god was observing us, then the only thing he'd see would be the reflection to one’s ‘self’. Your entire reality can just be treated as your own self-reflection. Hence believe in your 'self' and identify that deep energy within your heart, which is already securely in place. I want to conclude here, saying...